Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Birthday Month

My family refers to "February" as "Birthday Month" in our house because my birthday is in February and I tend to over do it with the goals this time of year. I think of my birthday as a reminder of everything I have accomplished in a year and I try to make up for any slack the last few months.

This year I ran two half marathons, got glasses and had my first cavity. The last two were some what traumatizing however I'd like to think that in my 30th year I have grown and am continuing to move ahead with a healthy lifestyle. My husband an I also got to see U2 in concert and spend two weeks at the beach. Both activities that make for a happy, healthy year overall.

This time of year I also try to make sure I have had all my yearly check-ups. I had a cavity free dental checkup yesterday, got a physical etc. I personally believe that this type of maintenance will end up paying off in the long run. Perhaps 30 more good years!!

How do you measure a good year?


Now back to the challenge. My first challenge was to lose a few pounds (most of it gained this summer during our two weeks at the beach). I am accomplishing this through my 3 Jillian workouts a week.

Today however I started a new additional challenge. I am going to be joining Megan in the Iron Girl Clearwater 15 K Challenge. I am still contemplating whether or not to run in May in the Columbus 1/2 Marathon, but regardless I started the training today and can officially sign up once I know how my work schedule plays out. (Refer to "To Run or Not to Run"). I am trying really hard to not over schedule myself. So if I don't run in May, I will catch the 1/2 marathon in October. I thought the 15K was a good middle ground to start with and allows me to go see Megan!

I am a little unsure how the challenges are going to work out together, but today was my first try at combining them. I keep track of my workouts on a bulletin board in our laundry room. I am doing pieces of the 1/2 marathon Novice program
along with my Jillian workouts.

Today I ran 3 miles and then did a 25 minute weigh/circuit workout. I almost threw up. It was really hard!! My schedule for the rest of the week is as follows:

Wednesday: Metabolism Boost
Thursday: Spinning
Friday: Run 2 Miles/Circuit
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Run 4 miles

I am taking it week by week as far as combining goes. My goal for the race is to simply improve my overall fitness level and not necessarily my time. I think its really important to have a goal in mind when you sign up for something. I'd like to incorporate some sprints into my workout as well as they really helped me the last running season. Perhaps that will be next week! T

How do you set challenges for yourself? Do they ever conflict?

Two more weeks and we can compare the Jillian before and after results...Are any of you tuning into the Biggest Loser? I keep giving it another chance but am just now sure. I wonder when Jillian's new show is supposed to start.


  1. After writing my goals/challenges down, I tape them to the bathroom mirror so I will see them everyday. And yes, I have conflicts all the time. Sometimes I have to do some strategic juggling but it all works in the end. I didn't know Jillian is supposed to get a show! Exciting!

  2. The show is supposed to be Jillian moving into a families house for a week and changing their lifestyle...I think it starts in the spring. My guess is that is why the Biggest Loser is featuring her is so many "heart to heart" talks with the contestants this season.

  3. Holly, you are going to love the Iron Girl! It is so much fun!!! My Mom and I are doing a mother/daughter team for the 5K. See you there!!!
