Saturday, February 27, 2010

Half Marathon Weekend is Here

Race Expo

Yesterday was the official start of the Half Marathon weekend because I told the day off work to volunteer at the race expo.  I am excited that race weekend is finally here!

Tampa loves pirates, and has pirate themed events during January and February called Gasparilla.  There is a Gasparilla parade, a Gasparilla children's parade, a Gasparilla night parade, a Gasparilla art show, and this weekend, the Gasparilla 5K, 15K, Marathon, and Half Marathon. 

They even had pirate decorations are the expo yesterday:

So cute! 

At the expo, I worked at packet pickup from 10am - 1pm.  It was so much fun to talk with all the race participants and wish them luck in the races this weekend.   The time flew by because it was so busy and my legs were tired afterwards.  It makes me appreciate my boring job where I can sit all day.

The expo is huge.  This is just one aisle and there were probably 6 full isles of vendors in the convention center.

There are a lot of good deals on clothing and shoes, along with a lot of overpriced runners gadgets.  One vendor was selling no slip headbands that were $16 each.  No thanks!

I did spend some time at a booth full of running clothes that were $9.99 each.  Who can pass that up?!?!   I told myself I could buy one thing, and ended up with a Moving Comfort Long Sleeve Shirt.   There is a tag on the shirt that says regular price $55.99, our price $9.99.  While I wasn't going to fall for that, I did still feel like it was a good shirt for the price.  Plus the sleeves are extra long and there are thumb holes at the end of the sleeves.  I felt good when I came home and found the same shirt for $40 online.  I love a good deal!

Usually I don't get excited about race shirts because they never seem to fit right and look good.  But I think the Gasparilla Half Marathon shirt is the exception. 

It's long sleeve, Nike, Drifit, and it actually fits!  Plus I like the green color.  I tend to buy everything in blue so it's nice to have some other colors.

Pre-Race Day Plans

The plan for today is to eat nice, healthy meals full of fruits, vegetables, and healthy carbs.  Plus I will make sure to drink plenty of water today and stay hydrated.

The half marathon starts at 6am tomorrow, which means I need to leave my house around 4:30am.  I made myself get out of bed at 9am today even though I was tired, because I know I will need to go to bed early tonight.  There will be no napping today!

The weather is going to be in the mid-40's tomorrow morning, which is cold for me, but it's similar to the temperature for all my training runs the past two months.  The good news is that there is no rain in the forecast for race time, and less than 10 mph winds.   A lot of the race course is along the water, so it will be nice to have minimal winds.

Look for my post tomorrow afternoon with a race racap!!

What's your ideal running temperature?  Mine is 60s and sunny, with no wind! :)

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