Monday, February 1, 2010

Run, Run, Run

It feels like all I do lately in run! 

Saturday's run of 8 miles was really good.  I was expecting rain and wind, and I only had to deal with the wind, so I was happy to stay dry while running.  I planned to do my run on a two mile stretch of road along the water, and just run it a few times, but it was so windy, I decided to change my route and ended up running on the Pinellas Trail.   My total time was around 1:40:00 but that included a few water stops and stop lights.  I also stopped to have one pack of Luna Moons around mile 4.   Overall it was a really good run. 

This morning I ran 5 miles before work, and again just barely avoided the rain.  I was very happy with my time of 57 minutes this morning, which is faster than I usually run.  It's getting easier for me to wake up in the mornings for my workouts.  Today I didn't even hit the snooze button!

In case you missed my post on Friday, I was laid off from my job and my last day of work is May 15th.  I had a feeling the layoff was coming, but it was still hard to take the news.  I spent a lot of time this weekend stressing out about the upcoming job search, and I also used it as an excuse to not eat healthy this weekend.  

The plan for this week is to figure out how to manage my stress, but still continue to exercise and eat healthy.  I also need to make sure I am eating enough during the day and not letting myself get too hungry, because that's when I tend to start making bad decisions.

I know that I started the day off well with my run, and packing my lunch and snacks for work.  I also have a volleyball game (actually a double-header) after work tonight, so I will pick up a salad or subway once I leave work to eat before volleyball.

What are your favorite healthy fast foods?  I like subway, grilled chicken salads from McDonalds, or the Southwest salad from Chick-fil-a.  Yum


  1. Hi! I came across your blog through Healthy Tipping Point, and I love that you write about fitness + crafts. I do the same!

    Regarding fast food ... definitely the veggie pattie from Subway!

  2. Hi Alison - Glad to have you! You will notice we are slacking on the crafts a big lately....

    I didn't end up having time for dinner before my volleyball game, so I just came home and made myself a veggie burger. Your post totally made me crave one!
