Friday, February 12, 2010

Busy Week

It's been a busy, yet productive week for me.  I stayed on plan and completed my two 5 miles runs this week, and I am ready for my 9 mile run tomorrow.  I am too scared to actually check the weather for tomorrow morning because I am pretty sure it's going to be some combination of cold, rainy, and windy.  Definitely not ideal running weather, but I will just have to suck it up and do my run anyway. 
I am very fortunate that I get to watch the sun rise while driving into Tampa for work each morning.   I saw something yesterday that I had never seen before....a rainbow on the edge of the clouds as the sun was rising.  How cool is that!!!  I had to turn off my flash since I was in the car, but you get the idea.   

I prefer to do my running before work, but it's been so cold this week, that I have switched to running after work.  Even yesterday at 5pm, I had to wear my hat and gloves to go out for a run.  Brrrrr! 

I actually had the fastest run that I have had in a long time, maybe throughout all of my training so far.  I did 5 miles in 56:00.  I now have my Garmin Forerunner set up to track one mile splits, so here is a look at my 5 miles from yesterday:
  • Mile 1: 10:41
  • Mile 2: 10:47
  • Mile 3: 11:23
  • Mile 4: 11:47
  • Mile 5: 11:21

I can't believe the half marathon is getting so close.  I feel like I have been thinking about it for so long!    I am really pleased with the progress of my training, and it's a great feeling to feel like it's going to pay off. 

I will leave you with this random picture.  I pulled over on the drive home from work today to take a phone call, and I was sitting there the whole time while on the phone thinking about what a beautiful view I happended to stumble upon.


Do you always have your camera with you?  I like to keep it in my purse because I never know when I am going to need to take a picture.  

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