Friday, February 5, 2010

Ohio vs. Florida

I'll let you choose, but by February I am ready for some sunshine! The snow is pretty and I got a good workout in shoveling the driveway, I am just hoping we are able to get out this weekend! We are supposed to get 8-12 more inches tonight so I have a date with Jillian and the treadmill in the basement tomorrow morning.

I am also currently making a new oatmeal dish. I loved eating my custard this week (even managed to eat it in the car!) Today as I am attempting to work at home and conveniently not able to connect to our network, I am making crock pot oatmeal. All you do is combine the following ingredients...

- Regular oats (not quick oats, I used 6 servings)
- Water or milk (according to directions)
- Mix of sugar, vanilla, cinnamon ( I used a tablespoon of each)
- Cut up apples (I used one and cut it very small)

My sister in law gave me this recipe and she makes it over night on low heat. I just put it on low and am going to monitor it until I go to bed. You can obviously adjust this depending on your taste!!

I managed to make it to Whole Foods today before the storm so I am going to pretend its warm and eat my organic avocado and have myself a skinny margarita by the fire! TGIF!!

What would you do if you were stuck inside?

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