Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What Challenges You?

Today I did the Jillian Beatdown as I call it again, which is really one of her Metabolism Boost workouts on Exercise TV. I had a meeting at 8am today so I woke up at 5, skipped the mile run this time and went right into her workout. I managed to burn 533 calories in about 50 minutes. Not bad for quick workout...and it was HARD!

31 Challenge
Jillian's workout has insprired me to re-think what my goals are and how in shape I really am. I can run 5 miles no problem, but am about to pass out during her circuit training workouts. I am convinced my body is used to my program and its time to change it up! So in celebration of turning 31, its almost 31 days away, I have decided to create my own 31 Challenge!

The program will consist of the following:
1. Eating 1,357 calories a day (calculated by Livestrong to lose 2lbs a week) plus additonal calories if I work out. I usually add 1/2 of my workout calories. So today for example I would add 250 calories additional to the 1,357.

2. Completing 3 of Jillian's workouts a week for at least an hour at a time. Some of the workouts are only 30 minutes so I would need to do two programs to complete my 60 minute circuit training goal.

3. Maintain a 10 minute mile, 5 mile run pace. My running is spurratic these days but training for the Columbus 1/2 Marathon on May 1st would begin after this challenge if I offically sign-up! I need to be comfortable at 5 miles to jump right into the training.

I am hoping this program allows me to be flexible enough to fit some spinning in there sometime because I really do love it and work around my work schedule. My focus is going to be core circuit training to see how it improves my overall fitness level. I also want to lose a few pounds before the 1/2 marathon training to help with speed.

Next Steps
I'll have to figure out where to track this on the blog this weekend. I took pre-measurements of my body to compare after the challenge is over as well as pictures. Not sure the pictures will ever make it to the internet but we'll see.

What challenges you? Anyone want to join me? Create your own challenge!


  1. I love a good challenge - count me in! For me, it will be tracking my food and drinking more water.

  2. I love Jillian's metabolism workouts! They really get you moving and motivate you to never give up. I also like all of Zen Gray's. She is so cute and her videos are fun to watch! You can find it @ ExerciseTV.tv -- search The Skinny
