Wednesday, January 27, 2010


In celebration of Megan's first yoga class, I decided to do a little research on the overall benefits of yoga and how it can help aid in weight loss given its my current goal to shed a few pounds. I have practiced yoga for many years, although not an expert, I truly enjoy the practice.

Do you know there are different types of yoga? My favorite type of yoga is Power Yoga. The class I do is very modern ( and you actually practice yoga to music. I also have tried it at home with Brian Gest's Power Yoga series. I like to burn the maximum amount of calories I can at each workout and to me, power yoga does the trick. According to a Livestrong Article yoga can not only be used as weight loss tool but an overall way to de-stress and build strength. These are a few types of the more intense methods of practicing yoga.

1) Vinyasa-Style Yoga: Vinyasa is a flowing style of yoga based on the performance of a series of poses called Sun Salutations. Vinyasa includes many popular, athletic, sweat-drenched yoga styles. You can find Vinyasa yoga classes at your local gym and studios. It is the most popular of yoga practices.

2) Power Yoga: Power yoga is extremely popular, and one of the reasons is that it provides a very vigorous cardiovascular workout. You will walk out of a class drenched and feeling light and strong.

3) Ashtanga: Ashtanga yoga is a very vigorous style of practice with a few distinct advantages for those who want to lose weight. Most Ashtanga classes attract a very dedicated group. Many of these styles of classes are held early in the morning, and this is a great way to start your day and rev up your metabolism. Another advantage is that Ashtanga yoga is ideal for the home practitioners, and can be easily done on the road. The result is that many practitioners become very religious in their practice. Becoming routine or religious about any type of physical practice results in losing weight and leaning out your body.

I will say I have done less strenous types of yoga and the overall affects are still the same. The calorie burn is just less. I guess it just depends on your personal preference and overall goal. In the end any yoga practice will leave you feeling fresh and revived. There are many other benefits including flexiblity, core strength, overall toning and overall detoxification of the muscles.

What is your favorite yoga pose? Have you tried different styles?

My little piece of "zen" tonight is my dinner. I ordered Chinese last night because our left overs did not hold up so well in the fridge. I ordered steamed shrimp and broccoli with no sauce and brown rice. I then add a serving of low sodium soy sauce. I split the order into two servings.

I also made myself a little brownie treat. I took a 100 calorie VitaBrownie and added a side of 15 calorie cool whip.
On a side note I have to comment on the Biggest Loser. I am a huge fan however cannot get into it this season. Last night I ended up just fast forwarding to the end. Am I missing something? I love Jillian and Bob (as you can tell from my slight Jillian obession), but I am just not getting as much out of it this season...

1 comment:

  1. I agree about the BL. I said numerous times to my boyfriend last night that this season sucks. I just don't feel anything, no one stands out to me as someone to root for. I also fast forwarded to the end.
