Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Exercise TV Review: Jackie Warner's Total Body Circuit

Today is a short run day, so I plan to do 2 miles after work. It may even get into the 50's so I can finally run outside again. Yea! I also have my new Nike jacket to wear with the built in gloves and hood in case I get a little cold while running.

I wanted to start my day with strength training so I turned to Exercise TV.

This morning I did Jackie Warner's Total Body Circuit from the Personal Training with Jackie: Power Circuit Training DVD.

It was a 40 minute program that included a short warm up and a short cool down. I really like the structure of the workout because it kept me from getting bored. Each of the following 9 target areas had 3 exercises that were done as a group.
  • Quads
  • Hamstrings
  • Glutes
  • Chest
  • Back
  • Bicep/Tricep/Shoulder
  • Upper Abs
  • Lower Abs
  • Obliques
I only had 5 pound weights at home, and could have used heavier weights on some of the exercises. I had a hard time with some of the ab exercises, but I already knew I needed some work in that area!

Overall it was a great workout and I would definitely do it again. I wonder how long the same videos are available on Exercise TV? It's probably good that they switch what's available to force me to try new things.

How often do you do strength training? I know I should do it more often, but have a hard time getting in the habit of including it in my workout schedule. For some reason I always go back to doing cardio. I have a feeling the variety of options on Exercise TV are going to help me do strength training on a more consistent basis.


  1. Hey Megan,

    This is Robert Fah. I am a Marketing Coordinator with ExerciseTV. We really enjoyed your workout review and would love to re-post this blog post onto our own website. If you ever want to do any other workout reviews of Exercise TV products we would love to re-post them into our blog again. Each time we will link back directly to your website so that our viewers know who they are reading from.

    Also, if it is not too much to ask, we would really love it if you could hyperlink to whenever Exercise TV is mentioned in your blog post. If you have any questions or interest, let me know at Thanks!

  2. Robert, sure you can post our exercise tv reviews on your website. Can you post the link here once it's done so we can see it? Thanks!
