Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Half Marathon Training Update

My half marathon training is going well this week.  My workout schedule for the week is:

Monday: Run 4 miles (done), and play volleyball since my league started again (done)

Tuesday: 30 minutes of cardio (I did the elliptical)

Wednesday: Run 4 miles (done)

Thursday: Strength Training

Friday: Rest

Saturday: Run 6 miles

Sunday: not sure yet, depends on how I feel

I have decided to run 3 days a week instead of 4, and to incorporate at least one day of strength training into my workout.  Ideally, I will get up to two days of strength training, but no guarantees on that one.

The best news of the day is that I was able to keep a pace of 11:30 min/mile on the treadmill this morning, and I was feeling so good I did the last mile even faster. 

The weather is finally going to improve this weekend, so I can finally run outside again.  I am anxious to get outside for my 6 mile run on Saturday, after many boring miles on the treadmill the past few weeks!  

I have done really well with my morning workouts the past two weeks.  I have discovered one key item that is helping me to wake up each morning and go to the gym before work:

I changed my work schedule so that I no longer get to work at 7:30am, but instead I arrive at 8:30am or 9:00am.  This means that I can sleep until 6am and have time for my workout before work.  This is huge for me because I used to wake up at 5am to go to the gym, and I was always so tired.   Most nights I am asleep by 10:30pm, so I am getting 7.5 hours of sleep a night and I feel great. 

How much sleep do you get each night?  Do you feel it's enough, or do you wish you got more?  I am one of those people that needs their sleep.  I don't know how other people function on 5 or 6 hours a night!

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