Saturday, January 23, 2010

Seven Miles Isn't So Bad

Last night's low-key dinner out with friends turned into multiple beer pong games at the bar continuing way past midnight.  I was so determined to do my run this morning, I stuck to my original plan of one glass of wine with dinner, and I sat and drank water while watching all my friends play beer pong.  This was especially hard for me to do because I love beer pong!   How's the for willpower?  I was quite pleased with myself.

I was hungry when I woke up this morning, so I had a piece of toast with peanut butter, and a few extra tastes of peanut butter while the bread was toasting.  I have learned to keep fiber intake to a minimum before running :) 
The weather this morning was perfect for a run: 60 degrees, partly cloudy and a little wind.  I felt like an ad for Nike today.  Can you spot the 5 Nike swoosh symbols on me? 

My 7 mile run took me 12:24:52.  I did my 4 minute run/1 min walk interval for the full 7 miles.   There were a lot of people and cars around today so I had to stop running few extra times due to traffic or blocked sidewalks. 

I took my phone on my run today so I took a few pictures.  This is my favorite path to run on.  I run 1.5 miles down this stretch of road, and then turn around and come back for a total of 3 miles.  There is so much to look at while running, it helps to distract me.   Sometimes I see dolphins right along the edge of the water, but none today.

Here is a view of the water along the same road.  That's the north end of Clearwater Beach in the background.

My snack when I got home was 3 clementines.   They are not as juicy as I would have hoped, but considering the huge box of them cost me $7, I am going to eat them all! 

What are your go-to foods before and after workouts?  I also like to eat bananas after a hard workout when I know I need to get in some calories for a quick recovery.

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