Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Nightly Zen

For the past two nights I have tried two Exercise TV Yoga Workouts. The first one I did was the "PM Zen in Your Den" and the second one was "AM Yoga".

PM Zen in Your Den
The "PM Zen in Your Den " program I did on Sunday night after a long day of scrapbooking. This was my off day but I decided to do some stretching since I have been super sore lately. I really enjoyed this quick workout. It was 22 minutes. I figure you can do anything for 22 minutes, even if you are tired. The program did not have a lot of vinyasas or leg/shoulder stretches which I would have liked to do because those are the areas that hurt me the most from running. It was relaxing however. It was a great way to take my mind off of the upcoming work week and get some extra stretching in. The instructor moves pretty fast so you need to be familiar with the poses. The only downside was you didn't end in relaxation. In my opinion this is the best part of yoga!

AM Yoga
The "AM Yoga" was a non-planned activity last night. I figured even though it said "AM" it would still be worth trying. The progam was only 11 minutes long. This one actually was my favorite out of the two. It really stretched your shoulders and arms which I needed. I ran on the treadmill in the morning and then worked almost 10 hours. I need the stretch! That was almost all you did with the exception of a few vinyasas and some warrior poses. (I like the vinyasa flow if you can't tell!) I added the penguin (my favorite) and of course the relaxtion pose at the end which was a nice end to the day. If you didn't do the relaxtion pose I could see how this workout could wake you up!

A few weeks ago I made a goal to practice more yoga. My runs are so much smoother when my muscles are stretched. With the gyms being crazy busy right now this has been very easy to incorporate into my workout schedule. I am a big believer in stretching and the benefits! I am going to try for 2-3 times a week.

Tomorrow I plan to try a Jillian Michaels workout. I can't take not getting into a class at the gym at 5 am. That is too early to be stressed. What do you incorporate into your workout to relax?


  1. Could I do either one of these workouts as a beginner? Or do they move so fast that I already need to be familiar with the poses?

  2. Cute blog! I found you guys through Caitlin of Healthy Tipping point. Your comment on her blog caught my eye since you mentioned the St. Anthony's triathlon and I live in St. Pete.
    See you 'round:)

  3. You can definitely do these workouts as a beginner but you may want to try them more than once so you don't get frustrated if you don't get the moves the first time.
