Monday, December 14, 2009

Yoga for Runners

Saturday I went to V Power Yoga ( a nice mix of power yoga and 90 degree heat in downtown Columbus. I haven't been in about a month and now I am paying for it. My date with the treadmill this morning was painful but I knew my body need to work some of the lactic acid out of my mucsles. The workout was a nice reminder that it isn't about cardio all the time and sometimes that extra stretch is just what you need. When I was training for my last 1/2 marathon I was a dedicated yogi. As a sufferer of plantars faciatis from running, yoga saved my soles and made me a much more aware of the benefits of a total body workout. I start this Monday off with a goal to get to yoga class more often and treat my body to its benefits. Hopefully this will inspire you as well!

- Holly


  1. I don't think I did enough of the class to get sore. But it sure helped work out the toxins. :) Can you go to a class before your mom gets here on Saturday?

  2. Ha, I knew you would be our first comment :) Yep, I can go. She isn't coming until Saturday night.
